A subliminal message usually refers to a command. It is any type of signal designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. The subliminal messages that are popularly known are unconscious signals which are deliberately sent.
How subliminal messages are delivered
These messages take the form of commands that are intended to reach the subconscious mind to effect a change in behavior or beliefs.
Advertising executives have used the power of subliminal programming in an attempt to sway the buying habits of consumers.
If you do not believe that subliminal messages exist in advertisements then you need to watch the video at Subliminal Messages.
A subliminal message, to be effective, needs to be clearly audible but “masked” or hidden behind other sounds so that the conscious mind does not pick-up on what is being said.
However, your powerful subconscious mind will hear the spoken statement and, after a few repetitions, take it as a command to be followed.
This effect can be demonstrated with the “cocktail party effect”.
This simple explanation shows you how you are tuned-in to your environment much more acutely than you think you are.
The cocktail effect
The “cocktail party effect” derived its name from a simple example used to explain how the mind works. Imagine being at a cocktail party filled with guests.
You are engaged in one conversation while a dozen other conversations are taking place in different locations of the same room.
Suddenly your attention is diverted as someone across the room mentions your name in their conversation.
This demonstrates that your subconscious mind is aware of millions of pieces of information that are bombarding your senses and at moment and only draws your attention to them when it feels it is relevant!
So you can be assured that the subconscious mind does hear properly and professionally produced subliminal messages that are presented just below conscious awareness. Subliminal messages that are below the hearing range of your ears will NEVER work!
The explanation that subliminal messages, such as those found in popular subliminal CDs, are inaudible to the conscious mind but audible to the subconscious mind may be misleading as it assumes a division between conscious and unconscious.
I would probably be more accurate to state that a subliminal message, whether a spoken statement or embedded image, is perceived by deeper parts of what is a single integrated mind.
It was as early as 1957 that we were first introduced to the power of subliminal programming.
In a now infamous experiment, James Vicary, took an unsuspecting cinema audience and fed them subliminal messages on the screen that suggested that they were hungry and thirsty and then commanded them to buy popcorn and coke.
Vicary said this lead to an increase in sales.
Even though Vicary’s experiment was “unsubstantiated”, and has never been successfully replicated, it caused a panic in the general public.
Due to this study the belief in the power of subliminal messages to affect our behaviour lingers.
Although, ever since the Vicary experiment, it has been hotly debated amongst scientists, and laymen alike, whether or not subliminal messages actually work they remain a favorite of self improvement gurus and students (with many positive testimonials being offered).
This debate has raged even more since the discourse of Vicary himself that he fabricated his findings!
However, the simple fact is this – the human mind can and does pick out information that is not consciously observed or concentrated on and wat’s more it uses this information to learn and to regulate your behaviors.
Recent psychological studies into subliminal messages have confirmed that they do have an affect on the mind.
However, whether this is enough to sway our buying behaviors or affect even deeper psychological change has not yet been determined through scientific study.
However, a vast amount of people, me included, have witnessed major changes occurring in themselves due to listening to positive subliminal messages embedded in recordings!
Would you like to test the power of subliminal messages yourself and witness amazing, effortless changes taking place in your life?
Then you can now create your own custom subliminal messages through Subliminal Power or through the use of subliminal software – witness the power of your mind!
You can change your life with subliminal messaging
The Internet has revolutionized the way we learn.
With self-help books and personal development advice everywhere we appear to believe that by merely investigating an issue will allow us to resolve it.
But thinking about a problem and even knowing what to do about it isn’t the same thing as ACTUALLY doing something about it!
You’ve may have heard the Chinese definition of insanity which states that it is “doing the same thing, in the same way, and expecting a different result!”
If the actions you are taking are getting the outcome you want then you must being to do things differently! Sometimes this involves taking actions that frighten us.
There is a strong reason for this. Doing the thing you’re afraid of causes the brain to completely rewire itself and reorganize how it relates to the things you were once afraid of.
The subconscious mind must also change your deep-seated beliefs about that fear!
This takes away the sense of fear, replacing it with relief and increased self confidence and higher self esteem.
You may be so fearful that you are even afraid of facing your fear! This is natural and normal. Change is frightening to most of us.
Unfortunately, most people do one of two things. They either run away from their fear or they try to do the thing they are afraid of all at once.
Taking a giant leap and trying to face your fear by doing it can scares them more.
It also convinces them that they have once again failed if they are unable to face the fear at the moment of action.
Why would they ever attempt to change this fear again?
The better way
There is a better way to face fears that can ensure you eliminate them forever by bring them fully into the light of day and seeing that they are nebulous in nature and not real at all!
It is the fear itself that keeps us bound rather than the thing we are fearful of!
Well, we want to take small steps in the direction of our fear and I do mean very small steps!
The bigger the fear the smaller the steps you need to take to eliminate it.
In Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) we are taught that we can do anything if we are willing to break it down into small steps.
Let’s face it you could even eat an elephant if you broke it down into tiny pieces!
This way of dealing with fear is an excellent way to also deal with your life goals.
When you know what it is you want to do, be or have in life then you can set that as your life-goal.
Now facing that goal or trying to accomplish it in one go can seem daunting or even impossible.
However, by breaking that goal down into smaller stepping-stone goals makes it look much more achievable and less of an up-hill struggle!
If you tried to eat an elephant all at once you would just give-up before you even made a dent in it.
However, through small pieces it is possible to consume the entire animal. Now, I am not suggesting you eat an elephant but you should view your life-goal as that elephant. Just take it one bite at a time!