Would you like a weight loss program that allows you to eat what you want while you still lose weight?
Well according to the UK’s most successful and acclaimed hypnotist you can!
Paul McKenna’s “I Can Make You Thin” (available on Amazon) is a cutting-edge weight loss program that uses simple steps to create permanent weight loss.
The surprising thing is it doesn’t rely on hypnosis!!!
What No Hypnosis?
What no weight loss hypnosis?
Now just because Paul McKenna is the world’s most famous hypnotist doesn’t mean he only relies on hypnosis to produce results.
Without the aid of hypnotic tricks he has created the most powerful system for losing weight that we have tested.
He has incorporated all his knowledge, expertise and experience to create a 5 CD set, or 6 DVD set, or the condensed book that he has simply called the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin system.
This weight loss program was tested on British television without even using the, optional, hypnosis sessions. The results were astounding. All these techniques, guidelines and processes are included in his, not so hypnotic, weight loss system – Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin.
Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin
McKenna offers some simple but highly effective steps to take that if followed will ensure you reach your weight-loss targets and maintain a natural healthy weight for you.
Although the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin program does not center around hypnosis it does offer some very powerful hypnotic techniques to help you work the system if you choose to use them. It is a very effective program without them.
Click Here to Get Paul McKenna’s I Can Make You Thin Book from Amazon
Click Here to Get Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin 6 DVD Set from Amazon
The Research
Before creating the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin system McKenna studied the habits of naturally thin people in order to discover their ‘secrets’ to staying thin. He found some very interesting points.
Naturally thin people eat whatever they want! Now this may lead you to believe that they have a higher metabolism or have been blessed with fat burning genes but the truth is much simpler and applies to everyone. This leads us to our next point.
Naturally thin people have a different psychological view about food and fitness. This is why they can eat what they want.
By changing what food means to you at a deep subconscious level you change your automatic responses to food and exercise. This is just one part of the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin system but an important one!
Naturally thin people don’t have uncontrollable food cravings. McKenna teaches that any cravings you have are merely learned behaviour and they can be unlearned.
Reprogramming The Mind
In the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin program he shows how it is possible to break all cravings and re-program your mind in just minutes.
Using a strange technique where you tap different points on your body, which I didn’t believe would work, you can eliminate the craving there and then and it doesn’t come back.
AND yes, it does work! It has its basis in reprogramming neural networks in the brain and although the science behind it can become quite complicated the actual performing of it is incredibly easy.
Paul McKenna has used all his expertise in this system. The Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin program is a compilation of all his expertise and experience.
In it he teaches the latest psychological techniques to automatically allow you to start losing weight.
Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin is also designed to make you feel happier about yourself, increase your self-confidence and improve your self-esteem by creating a new self-image as you move towards your ideal body shape, size and weight.
What You Get
The master hypnotist and psychology expert spent 13 years researching weight-loss and naturally thin people in order to help him develop his Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin system.
The research data that McKenna spent years accumulating shows that the human body has a natural rhythm which, when followed, dictates when, what and how much to eat. He found that by following this natural rhythm and not pressuring yourself to follow a strict eating regime you can eat whatever you want without gaining weight!
His research has shown that when a person takes this approach and follows a few simple rules they return to, and maintain, their naturally ideal weight.
McKenna also discovered that the people who deny themselves certain foods or quantities of those foods actually set themselves up for failure.
They literally create a lot of resistance within themselves and are therefore much more likely to abandon their dietary plan and eat even more of the foods they have been denying themselves.
This is all fully explained in the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin program in an easy to understand manner.
The I Can Make You Thin system involves many different approaches to weight loss that are designed to ensure your success.
However, Paul McKenna has four golden rules to follow which are as follows.
The Golden Rules for Weight Loss
The Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin Golden Rules:
- Rule 1. Eat when you feel hungry!
- Rule 2. Eat whatever you want!
- Rule 3. Eat consciously!
- Rule 4. Once you feel full stop eating!
With each of the rules the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin program includes techniques and methods to help you incorporate them into your life.
Another key point of the system is the 15 minutes of extra exercise you must take daily.
This is not like the customary exercise regimes imposed by other health & fitness programs.
Instead of heavy exercise the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin system suggests the exercise you take should not be a heavy, compacted, 15 minute, grueling chore but should be spread over the entire day.
By splitting your daily 15 minutes into 5 minute periods you hardly notice you are actually exercising – just three 5 minute walks is enough!
This means you are burning up more calories than you would normally do.
When you combine these small 5 minute exercises with the rest of the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin system you are destined to reach your ideal weight. The long-term affect is amazing!
McKenna has produced some of his best work yet with this 5 Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin CD set.
He is one of the most well known and successful hypnotists in the world being widely known in the USA and his home in the UK. The Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin CD set works!

As well as losing weight with his system you will see a profound snowball effect throughout other areas of your life as your self-image improves.
Your self-confidence and self-esteem will soar using the Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin system and this is a very positive side-effect of using the techniques and CDs (or digital downloads) provided.
By changing the way you view food and how you relate to it you can, and will, lose weight.
This is a very healthy approach to weight-loss as you will find yourself naturally maintaining an ideal and natural weight for your body type.
In addition to the health and image benefits you gain from this system you will also find yourself feeling great while you are doing it.
Of course you need to put the system into practice before you can get results but doing so should prove a most enjoyable experience and after a year the results we seen from the system seem to be permanent.
Click Here to Get Paul McKenna’s I Can Make You Thin Book from Amazon
Click Here to Get Paul McKenna I Can Make You Thin 6 DVD Set from Amazon