It all started back in 1957 with James Vicary’s infamous experiment with subliminal messages conducted in a Fort Lee, New Jersey film theatre, when the messages “Hungry? Eat Popcorn” and “Thirsty? Drink Coca Cola” were flashed and an unknowing audience.
According to Vicary, at the time, Coke sales rose by 18% and popcorn sales exploded by 38%. Not bad for a few subliminal messages. However, not all was as it seemed.
In 1962, after many other scientists failed to achieve the same results using Vicary’s experiment as a template for their own, Vicary admitted that he had exaggerated his claims and the data from his own experiment was “too small to be meaningful”!
Although the damage had already been done and public outrage had already forced the UK, Australia and the USA Governments to ban the use of subliminals in advertising.
However, recently scientific researchers have shown that if the conditions are right, subliminal advertising to promote a brand can be made to work and subliminal messages do affect our behaviour!
Johan Karremans at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands and his colleagues wanted to see if they could subliminally induce volunteers to favor a particular brand of drink, Lipton Ice. They were given the choice between Lipton Ice and an equally popular drink that was considered just as effective at quenching thirst.

80% of the volunteers who were exposed to the subliminal messages chose Lipton Ice showing researchers that the subliminal messages were indeed affecting their choices.
It seemed that the volunteers who were actually thirsty were more likely to choose the Lipton Ice than those who were not thirsty.
This led the study researchers to believe that subliminal messages have more of an effect if they are relevant to a person’s needs or desires.
So, for example, if you needed car insurance and were exposed to subliminal messages for a particular insurer you would be more likely to choose them over another insurer.
However, if you didn’t need insurance the subliminal messages would not make you run out and buy insurance!
As far as personal development is concerned we can see why subliminal messages, in subliminal cds for example, can have such a huge impact on a person.
As you only listen to a subliminal CD of your choice, which is designed to help you make changes in specifically chosen areas of your life, the subliminal messages it contains are highly relevant to your situation!
By choosing a relevant subliminal CD it is possible to make dramatic changes in your life. It seems that the more you do not concentrate on the subliminal product, and do other things, the more powerful and fast-working the subliminal messages become.
With the vast array of subliminal products now available it is easy to find one that suits your individual needs. Should you find it difficult to locate a product that deals specifically with your desires then you also have the option of custom subliminal products which allow you to create your own subliminal messages or you can even use the very latest subliminal technology in subliminal software.
With research data from a host of countries now confirming that subliminal messages work why not take advantage of the effortless way to change?
Subliminal Power Can Change Anything
Back in 1957 the fist experiment was conducted into subliminal programming by James Vicary.
After decades of debate and disagreement from the scientific community about the effectiveness of subliminal messages, and even after Vicary admitted he made-up his results and fabricated his findings, modern neurologists have discovered that the brain does indeed register subliminal input!
Well now you can have access to a powerful computer tool, called Subliminal Power, which Olympic athlete winners have used to change your life from the inside out!
The basis of this technological innovation lies in the power of your computer to flash subconscious commands on your computer screen at a very high rate of speed and at regular intervals while you work, play or do whatever you do on your computer.
The text flashes past so quickly that it almost always goes unnoticed. Even when you do see the flashing screen you cannot consciously make out what it says.
This gives you the advantage of bypassing your conscious rational thinking part of the mind so you can drive these commands deeply into the subconscious!
Now if you know anything about personal growth matters you will know that the self improvement industry relies very heavily on the belief that your thoughts create your reality.
Thoughts that are accepted by the subconscious mind as being true form together to create beliefs which in turn tend to materialize into the physical world.
Now whether you believe this concept or not you should agree that you beliefs and thoughts do have a profound impact on your actions and your actions have a profound impact on your life.
So, if you could change your internal beliefs to reflect those of high achievers or the people who now have what you want you could ensure that your actions would be the same as theirs. Now if your beliefs and actions are the same as high achievers it stands to reason that you should get the same results.
Therefore whatever beliefs we accept and hold in the subconscious part of the minds will have a tremendous effect upon our lives.
What the Subliminal Power software offers is way to implant new beliefs and thoughts into the subconscious mind so that our natural automatic thinking reflects….well……whatever you want it to reflect!
Would you like to think like Bill Gates, have a golf swing like Tiger Woods or attract women like Casanova?
Using Subliminal Power it is easy to drill positive thoughts into your subconscious mind at super-fast speeds while doing nothing to affect the changes that will happen effortlessly.
All this takes place while you work or play at your personal computer!
It is one of the easiest ways to affect change in your life with the least amount of effort. All you have to do is pick your affirmation sets or create your own that are highly targeted and specific to your own needs and goals. This is how subliminal power differs from standard pre-made subliminal CDs.
With the power of subliminal messages and the advanced technology in your PC you can now program your mind to help you do, be or have whatever you choose!
Would you like to be able to change your life in every area and finally reach your long-cherished goals? Then visit Subliminal Power and watch a video presentation of how this amazing software works!
You can also find out how easy it is to make your own subliminal audios at subliminal software.