Self Made Subliminal Messages

Just What Can You Do With Subliminal Software?

A great many people are intrigued by the idea of subluminal messages. Some people are terrified that they may be subject to some form of mind control through the use of subliminal stimuli.

There are other people who fear the use of subliminal messages in advertising as you can clearly see if you look it up on YouTube!

Even though there are still some scientists today who do not believe that subliminal messages are effective (this number is getting smaller all the time) the vast majority of people believe that subliminal messages exist and that they work.

Subliminal software interface

The belief that subliminal messages work is well founded as many recent clinical scientific studies in England, the Netherlands and the USA have shown.

There is little doubt now about the effectiveness of subliminal messaging or its ability to sway the opinions, behaviors and choices of human beings.

So the belief that subliminal messages can and do affect us is cause for concern should this technology be used by unscrupulous people. However it is also cause for celebration.

Subliminal messages, if they are capable of changing our behaviours, opinions and choices (which they are) should be able to change our negative habits, negative beliefs and negative thoughts also (which they can).

The uses of subliminal messages are enormous. The different aspects of life to which they can be applied are almost limitless from gaining more confidence to earning more money.

However, few people ever investigate what using subliminal messages could mean for them and how they could be used to improve their lives.

Not only can you purchase pre-made subliminal products but you can even make your own subliminal recordings through the use of the cutting-edge audio technologies embedded in the latest subliminal software programs.

Subliminal tech

As with any type of subliminal technology the uses of subliminal software products are truly astounding and very powerful.

Obviously you can use software to create your very own subliminal recordings which will in the long-run reduce the financial cost of using this technology.

After all buying even the very best subliminal recordings requires a certain amount of financial commitment from you.

With the proper subliminal software application however it is possible to make an unlimited amount of subliminal recordings.

What’s more these recordings can be highly specific to your individual needs and also be extremely personalized.

For example instead of using the word “you” in a positive affirmation you could replace it with your name!

You can also mention the exact goal that you want to achieve for example if you were to purchase a subliminal recording for financial abundance the affirmations embedded at a subliminal level would be very generic such as “you attract more money everyday”.

However, let’s assume that it is January 2011 and George needs $5000 in the next 2 months.

A better affirmation for him would be “George you attract and accept $5000 easily by the first of March 2011”.

This highly targeted and very personalized affirmation becomes much more impactful when it is delivered subliminally.

For these reasons subliminal software is often a better choice if you have the time to create your own subliminals and want to create a lot of them.

Of course using the very best subliminal cds available will also bring you your desired results if you do not want to commit to making your own!

Self Made Subliminal Messages

They cause controversy every time they are mentioned. Politicians have sworn they never use them. Top marketing and advertising corporations deny they even exist.

Scientists have tried to disprove they can affect us and politicians have banned them from television and radio (although they still seem to slip through the legal net).

What are they?

Subliminal messages!

Yes, they do exist. Yes they can change your thinking. Yes they can make you want to buy a product you don’t need. Yes they are all around you and influencing you every single day.

However, they can also be used to positively and dramatically change your life and I am about to show you how you can use them for free!

meditating with binaural beats

Before I tell you how you can easily change your life through the power of subliminal messages (using free resources) let me explain a little about subliminals.

The word subliminal literally means blow the threshold of conscious awareness.

Anything that is presented to you below your conscious awareness meaning you cannot perceive that thing and do not even know it is there.

Therefore subliminal messages, subliminal stimuli or a subliminal command is anything that reaches your brain without you being consciously aware that you were subjected to anything!

I will go into whether subliminal messages actually reach the brain or not in this article as it is clearly shown how modern research has proven that this does indeed happen in other articles on this site and in this subliminal articles category.

Subliminal messages and subliminal images affect your behaviors, your beliefs, your thoughts, actions and most importantly the results you get in life.

Therefore I am going to show you how to use ordinary household items to make your own subliminals so that you can start to change your life today!

How to create your own subliminal messages

Firstly get a big blank piece of cardboard or paper that you can stick to the wall opposite you bed – so that if you were to sit up straight in bed you could see it!

Next, stick a picture of something that you want on it – like a new car, new house, new clothes etc.

Write underneath it in large block capitol letters “This or Something Better”.

If you cannot obtain a picture that is big enough to see from your bed then just write down what you want in a statement that represents you have it already.

For example “I own a new red boxster sports car with all the extras”.

The more detail you add to this statement the better.

I must say here that it is always better to use pictures whenever possible because your subconscious mind thinks in pictures.

Now, have a small push button torch beside you and set you alarm for a time when you know you will be fast asleep.

When your alarm sounds simply lift your torch and flash it about three times at your picture, then go back to sleep. It’s that simple to make your own subliminal messages.

Would you like to experience fast results and dramatic changes in your life just by listening to some ocean waves?

Then read about the most powerful subliminal CDs on the market or learn about the subliminal software that uses the latest audio technologies and computer software available that allows you to easily create your own customized subliminal recordings.

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