The Price of Stress is high it affects not just your life but your health as well and many times it can even kill.
But do you know that there is a simple 21st Century technique that can not only give you instant stress relief but that can completely remove the emotional cause of stress is just a few minutes leaving you more capable of dealing with the situation that is causing the stress?!
In fact you don’t even need to know what the cause is to get instant relief.
Welcome to the future!
- The Price of Stress
- 21st Century Stress Relief
- The Method That is a Scientifically Proven Stress Reliever
- Who is Behind This Stress Relief Method?
- The Sedona Method Eliminates Stress Completely
- This Stress Relief Tool Comes With Some Big Endorsements
- How The Method Works to Relieve Stress
- Simple Stress Relief
- Conclusion
The Price of Stress
Stress is a the plague of the 21st Century.
Stress not only causes a great deal of discomfort, physical pain and mental anguish but it also leads to broken marriages, ruins friendships and ultimately kills!
In our modern lifestyles of heavy competition, pressure to produce instant results and needing everything to be faster and more easily available we have succumbed to stress in a way that has never been seen before in previous centuries.
But there is a technique that can instantly remove stress.
The technique known as “releasing” is the most powerful stress eliminator in existence.
To learn more about releasing and what it can do go here.
21st Century Stress Relief
Being a 21st Century affliction it seems only right that we should have a 21st Century solution to this killer we call stress. So how do we effectively fight the battle against stress?
Well the great news is we have a way!
It is called the the Release Technique, alternatively known as Sedona Method, and it can literally eliminate any form of stress in just a few minutes!
Don’t be put off by the marketing hype of both courses that claim you can create abundance, success and happy relationships.
By far the biggest benefit of using this technique is its ability to blast away stress instantly in most cases or in just a few minutes for really deep-seated stressful issues.
Trust me, the above statement is NOT an exaggeration.
The simple technique outlined in The Sedona Method and The Release Technique allows you to not only reduce feelings of stress within just a few minutes but it actually eliminates them for good.
You can’t truly appreciate how powerful this stress-busting technique is until you use it.
This stress relief method is revolutionary and was created so that you can easily remove negative thoughts and emotions on the spot.
According to many different testimonials it has even been used to heal many forms of illness – especially stress induced physical and mental problems!
But because his method can deliver much more than just stress relief (it can be used to achieve goals and completely alter your life in any and every area you can imagine) it has often been called The Secret behind The Secret.
Get the Sedona Method from Amazon here or learn more about releasing here at The Release Technique website.
The Method That is a Scientifically Proven Stress Reliever
Research on “Releasing” was conducted by Dr. Richard J. Davidson of the State University of New York in collaboration with Dr. David C. McClelland of the Department of Social Relations at Harvard University.
Dr. Davidson has been associated with some of the best research in the field of stress reduction, and Dr. McClelland is an internationally known authority.
After testing 3 operate groups, a control group (who had no stress relief methods at all), one group was taught relation technique and the third group was taught the Sedona Method/Release Technique.
The technique known as “releasing” is the most powerful stress eliminator in existence.
To learn more about how releasing works go here.
The Harvard University Test Results
Below are the results from the clinical study carried out to determine the effectiveness of using the technique known as “releasing” as reported by Harvard University and
Improved Heart Rate
The Progressive Relaxation group had a 100% improvement in heart rate over the control group during the third viewing.
The Sedona group showed a 360% improvement over the control group.
Improved Blood Pressure
The diastolic component of blood pressure is the second of the two blood pressure readings and is considered to be the more significant measurement.
A comparison between the final diastolic measurement (after the third viewing) and the first showed that the Control group had a 2% increase.
The Progressive Relaxation group had a 3% reduction in diastolic blood pressure while the Sedona group had a 10% reduction.
Less Muscle Tension
Muscle tension during the third viewing of the stressful film showed that the control group’s muscle tension was reduced by 14% whereas the Progressive Relaxation group showed a 28% reduction, and the Sedona group showed a 26% reduction in muscle tension.
Even though The Sedona Method is not aimed at muscle tension (it is a mental technique) it had almost as great a reduction in muscle tension (only 2 percentage points difference) as the Progressive Relaxation group.
The Study Concluded that …. “The Sedona Method is an outstanding technique “for its simplicity, efficiency, absence of questionable concepts and rapidity of observable results.” Dr. David C. McClelland
In short – The Sedona Method works.
It releases stress and greatly reduces, or eliminates, the symptoms of stress.
At the heart of The Sedona Method lies a technique that is so simple they have even successfully taught it to four year-old children.
In the course you are guided to release the emotions behind behind your negative thinking and stress with a technique that takes an instant to perform.
Not only does this reduce and eliminate stress but a sustained use of the technique leads to the removing of your subconscious blocks to success, peace and joy.
By removing your emotional reactive thinking tendencies you are free to think clearer without stress or worry.
This has a major impact on your interpersonal relationships, health, outlook and overall happiness.
However, by removing your own internal blocks, using the technique can have an amazing affect on all areas of your life. You will experience not just stress relief but complete stress elimination!
Stress Relief is not only possible but inevitable when you use “releasing”.
Get the Sedona Method from Amazon here or learn more about releasing here at The Release Technique website.
Who is Behind This Stress Relief Method?

The Sedona Method is a highly effective tool for “letting go” of your negative emotions and thoughts, literally, in an instant.
The Sedona Method comes as a CD course presented by Hale Dwoskin, a one time friend and student of, the late, Lester Levenson who created the technique.
The Release Technique also comes as a CD or digital download course and is taught by Larry Crane also a one time friend and student of, the late, Lester Levenson.

Levenson, Dwoskin and Crane have all claimed that “releasing” is an essential tool for eliminating stress and can even be used as an effective method of goal-achievement.
By eliminating all the negative thinking and stress associated with your goal you are more free to pursue and achieve your objective.
This sounds like an excellent way to get clear on your goals.

Being an avid goal setter myself I know that the biggest obstacle to achieving my objectives is my own internal dialogue and disbelief which, in turn, lead to more frustration and stress.
Once I truly believe I can accomplish something I tend to achieve it with much less effort than if I am also battling with my own inner ‘demons’!
The added advantage of being stress free while doing it is priceless.
Get the Sedona Method from Amazon here or learn more about releasing here at The Release Technique website.
The Sedona Method Eliminates Stress Completely
However good the technique is for achieving goals it must be said that it is especially effective when it is applied to eliminating stress and the emotions connected to negative life experiences either from the past or in the present.
The removal of all those negative feelings, aggravations, annoyances and fears that are carried around internally everyday and lead to increased levels of stress is priceless and the benefits from the fact that it can be done in just moments are immeasurable.
You even learn to identify and then remove those blocks and negative emotions/thoughts that you have mentally buried are totally unaware of right now.
This technique is so effective because of the nature and origin of stress.
Stress is not caused by situations in your life but by how you perceive those situations and react to them.
It is your own thinking processes that create the stress.
So, how does this tie-in with The Sedona Method?
This Stress Relief Tool Comes With Some Big Endorsements
“The Sedona Method is an extremely powerful tool for emotional freedom and wellness. I highly recommend it!”
Mark Victor Hansen, is Co-Creator of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul.
“Just as Kabbalah teaches us the basic spiritual laws of our existence, Hale Dwoskin looks far beyond the mere symptoms of emotional negativity to emotional freedom and mastery. If you want to fundamentally change your life for the better in the shortest possible time, start using The Sedona Method today.”
Yehuda Berg, Author of The 72 Names of God
“Through my work with Chicken Soup for the Soul and through my Self-Esteem Seminars, I have been exposed to many self-improvement techniques and processes. This one stands head and shoulders above the rest for the ease of its use, its profound impact, and the speed with which it produces results. The Sedona Method is a vastly accelerated way of letting go of feelings like anger, frustration, jealousy, anxiety, stress, and fear, as well as many other problems even physical pain with which almost everybody struggles at one time or another.”
Jack Canfield, Co-Creator of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul
“The Sedona Method is an easy-to-use, practical guide to releasing emotional tension, one of the key steps I recommend in my medical practice for achieving resilience, vitality, and long-term health. This book is a valuable adjunct to every health care program.”
Frank Lipman, M.D. and author of Total Renewal
Get the Sedona Method from Amazon here or learn more about releasing here at The Release Technique website.
How The Method Works to Relieve Stress
The Sedona method works on the assumption that all your thoughts have their root in emotional responses.
At first you may disagree with this assessment but you will notice from the very first session that this is indeed the case.
You are therefore directed to locate the feeling and ‘release’ it. As I have already outlined, and you probably already knew, stress is caused by our thinking but we all know how difficult it can be to control our own thoughts.
The mind seems to have a life of its own many times and wanders here and there having thousands of thoughts a second.
It is almost impossible to regulate your thoughts through pure will-power.
Therefore if you wish to remove the negative thoughts all you need to do is release the negative emotions behind it.
Once you get to the core of the technique you will have the all skills you need to release any and every emotion instantly.
This is extremely powerful and effective for releasing the negative emotions and thoughts behind any kind of stress you are feeling in the moment.
However, when you are guided to use the technique on childhood issues, previous emotional upsets and even negative beliefs you received from your parents and peers you will find that stress
becomes a thing of the past for you.
I experienced more personal growth in six months using the Sedona Method than I had in 10 years of using psychology, hypnosis, visualization, subliminal messages and affirmations!
It is an extremely rare occurrence for me to feel stress regardless of what situation I am experiencing.
This was a profound life changing experience for me and my quality of life has improved in immeasurable ways due to it.
Get the Sedona Method from Amazon here or learn more about releasing here at The Release Technique website.
Simple Stress Relief
The Sedona Method is truly a powerful yet simple technique for eliminating stress permanently!
When I first purchased the Sedona Method I was extremely skeptical. It promised instant stress relief and had a very sleek marketing look.
I had that thought that everyone gets now and then – “It all sounds great and has worked for lots of people but it’ll never work for me!”
However, to my amazement and delight, it did release stress as if by magic.
Within minutes of listening to the first session I was ‘letting-go’ of negative feelings, stress and negative thoughts.
An added advantage, and one that has been experienced by everyone I know that took the course, I experienced the most amazing sensations in my stomach and body.
I found that using it I could easily and instantly release anger, sorrow, frustration, fear, apathy, lust, pride and a multitude of negative emotions within a matter of seconds.
Basically, if you can feel it or think it then you can release it with The Sedona Method.
Basically this technique can be used to resolve any outstanding emotional or mental issue and clear away blocks to obtaining your goals.
As far as emotional issues are concerned it is the most powerful personal development tool I have ever used!
Stress Relief Video Session- The Sedona method in Action
Video Showing You How to Perform the Release Technique for Stress Relief
Get the Sedona Method from Amazon here or learn more about releasing here at The Release Technique website.
The Price of Stress is high. In fact stress is often a killer!
Luckily though stress relief has never been easier.
In fact, as we become firmly rooted in the 21st Century when now have a way to eliminate stress entirely.
At last there is a stress-busting method that actually delivers on its promises.
If you are experiencing any kind of stress in your life or just want to feel more at peace within then this is the product for you! It is known as “releasing”. It takes only minutes to implement and the results are permanent stress elimination.
I know those are BIG claims but they are 100% true and have been verified by Harvard University and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who use the technique.
If I had to recommend only one product from all the others reviewed and mentioned on this site it would be “releasing” that I choose hands-down.
Not only will you learn to release stress but this technique will help you go deeper into ‘releasing’ to remove enough of your unwanted limitations to help you achieve any reasonable goal you set yourself.
Ok, this product is truly brilliant but what are the drawbacks. Well price is one!
You could buy a cheap hypnosis tape for under $30 and feel relaxed and stress-free while in trance or you could learn to meditate and spend no money at all.
However, these benefits are seldom permanent and you must go through the procedures of hypnotic induction or spend time entering a meditative state to take advantage of the temporary feelings of stress-relief.
With “releasing” on the other hand you will experience permanent benefits of a stress-free life and each time you use it you will remove more stress permanently with only a few minutes of mental work.
It is truly awesome.
Get the Sedona Method from Amazon here or learn more about releasing here at The Release Technique website.