
Please follow the article template EXACTLY as it is laid out.

Article Recipe – please provide me with a link to images of items that you write about.

TITLE: “The Ultimate Guide to Building a Man Cave on a Budget”

1. Intro – A short paragraph highlighting the reason for the article. Make sure it is on point i.e. about the keyword topic.

  • Tell the reader in an entertaining way that he will find out how to build a man cave cheaply.


2. 2nd paragraph should the question in the title.

  • This paragraph should answer the question outlined in the article title.
  • You need to research the topic and write 200 – 300 words.
  • This should be a few hundred words telling the reader HOW they can save money when building a man cave without giving costs or going into deeper details. It should be a very quick summary of your entire article.


3. The first subheading – “How To Build a Man Cave Cheaply”

  • Answer the main question in detail.
  • Mention that WHERE you build a man cave can affect costs i.e. converting a room in your house is cheaper than converting or buying a new shed cuz it needs water-proofed, connected to utilities etc.
  • Mention where and how you can get items for your man cave cheaper.
  • Mention how you can use old junk and recycle it for different uses.
  • Write approx. 400 words.


4. Next subheading –  “How to Save Money on Items”

  • Bullet list of usual costs for items.
  • Discuss these items and why they are needed.
  • Bullet list of costs for items the reader can get more cheaply as outlined in the first subheading.
  • Discuss how these items can be used as alternatives to the ones in first list.


5. Next subheading –  “When You Should Not Try To Cut Costs”

  • Discuss caveats to the general answer like when you should not cut costs i.e with utility set-up like electricity.
  • Mention any other reasons when cutting costs is a bad idea like water-proofing etc.


6. Next subheading – “How to build a man cave shed on the cheap”

  • Mention ways to save money on materials
  • Mention how to save money on labor costs.


7. Next subheading – “Cheap Man Cave Ideas for a Small Room”

  • Give some ideas on this.


You can add any other subheadings and information that is relevant to make up your word count but don’t just add “filler content” as I won’t accept it.


You will find that you will get the article written quicker if you research and pick your subheadings sorted out before you start writing.

By knowing how many subtitles you need to hit your article word count will let you know how much research you need to do on related keywords.


Remember that QUALITY is the most important thing to consider.