The Subconscious Mind Is A Powerful Force You Can Hack

Subconscious mind

According to conventional science the human brain has been evolving for over 2 million years. It is a wondrous and complex piece of living machinery that can do some truly amazing things. In fact if every super computer on the planet was put together to form one huge mega computer it still wouldn’t have a fraction of the computing power of that small piece of grey matter between your ears!

Yet, after 2 million years of evolution and all the technological advancements we have made as a species scientists tell us that we only use, at most, 10% of our brains. Wow! That is a lot of processing power going to waste!

So how do we access that other 90% – or at least a fraction of it – to get more out of our brain power? And, what exactly can those other parts of the brain do?

Well we all have heard of the subconscious mind. Many believe it is possible to access the subconscious mind and instruct it to follow our commands to get at least some of that other 90% working.

When you can access the subconscious mind, and get even a fraction of that other 90% working for you, you can do some truly awesome things in your life.

binaural beats

For millennia ancient mystics and high priests have known about the power of the mind and jealously guarded its secrets.

However, in the last few centuries this knowledge has become more accessible to ordinary people and through personal development and self improvement teachers it is now widespread throughout the world.

However, only a fraction of the Earth’s population uses this knowledge to better their lives.

When you have a computer in your head that is more powerful that anything ever built and that is when it is only running at 10% capacity, don’t you think you should learn how to use it?

Would you leave a million dollar computer that could pick winning stock trades and lottery numbers, in a box in your spare room or would you learn how to use it?

Well your mind is capable of much more than that. In fact it can completely change your life and it is worth more, in dollars and cents value, than any computer you could imagine.

But more than that, it is also capable of changing your relationships and your experiences.

When you can access the subconscious part of your mind you can do anything!

You can have anything you desire, be anyone you chose to be and do anything you want.

Life is filled with limitless possibilities and it is the role of your subconscious mind to bring those possibilities to you.

All you have to do is know how to access that part of your mind.

So how do you do it.

Well there are several ways to access the subconscious mind. The most popular is self hypnosis.

This is quick but requires some knowledge about inducing trance.

You can of course get a pre-made self hypnosis recording but these do not always produce the desired results because they are generic in nature and customized to your unique and individual needs.

The most effortless way to contact the subconscious mind is through the use of high quality Subliminal CDs.

These CDs contain subliminal messages which completely bypass your conscious thinking mind and effortlessly seep into your powerful subconscious where they are taken as commands to be executed immediately.

However, the same problem applies to pre-made subliminal messages that apply to hypnosis recordings. They are generic and do not fit the lifestyles, life experience, expectations or needs of everyone.

So how do we overcome these problems?

Well you could learn self hypnosis techniques. Or, you could get a subliminal messaging program that allows you to create your own unique subliminal messages.

Would you like to gain instant access to subconscious mind and watch your life dramatically change within 30 days or less with virtually no effort on your part?

Then visit Subliminal Power and read the free review to see what custom subliminal messages can do for you.

You will most likely also be interested in reading the review about a powerful new technology that allows you to create your own subliminals by going to subliminal software.

Subliminal Stimuli Explained

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the term subliminal and how subliminal messages, especially those found a subliminal CDs, work.

Subliminal messages are not just verbal commands. They can take the form of a single hidden word, entire sentences or even images which elicit an emotional response at a subconscious level. Therefore most subliminal messages, in popular use, are better referred to as “subliminal stimuli”.

The word “subliminal” is used to refer to anything that is registered by the brain but is only offered to the senses below the threshold of conscious perception.

In other words you are never consciously aware of subliminal stimuli on a conscious level only subconsciously.

Subliminal stimuli refers to anything that stimulations the brain and senses at a subliminal level.

For example an image may be shown so quickly to an individual that all he or she is consciously aware of is a flash of light or imperceptible image.

Consciously the person cannot make out the image. However, subconsciously the brain will register the image in full and also interpret its meaning!

Likewise a verbal message may also be hidden, or “masked”, behind other sounds so that the words being spoken are imperceptible.

In many occasions it may be possible to hear a human voice but not know what they are saying. Sometimes these verbal subliminal messages just sound like a warble in the sound track.

Like the subliminal visual image a verbal subliminal message, like those found on a typical subliminal CD, are not consciously heard but are registered by the subconscious mind.

So how does a subliminal stimulus affect the brain and behavior of those that are exposed to them?

It has been shown by several recent scientific studies that subliminal messages affect the brain and under the correct circumstances elicit a physiological affect from the recipient.

With verbal subliminal messages the subliminal process is straightforward.

You subconsciously hear affirmations on a subliminal CD and these are used to reprogram your automatic behaviours, thoughts and emotional responses.

With visual subliminal stimuli the approach and effect is slightly different. Visual images are usually used to stimulate an emotional response in the recipient.

In advertising this is usually used to evoke a strong positive emotion in a potential customer and then “twin” these emotions to a product or service in an attempt to make it appear more desirable.

When visual subliminal images are used for self improvement purposes they usually involve written affirmations which mirror those used as verbal subliminal messages.

However, sometimes an image of a desired event, product or representation of a desired characteristic (like self confidence) is flashed instead of a written message.

Subliminal messages have caused a lot of controversy since they entered the public consciousness in 1957 with James Vicary’s marketing experiment.

Although Vicary’s experiment was fabricated, and his results were completely false, hundreds of thousands of people have created real, lasting changes in their lives through the use of subliminal messages.

The inability of researchers to replicate the results that Vicary reported (before he admitted he made the whole thing up) has led many psychologists to believe that the positive results reported by many thousands of people who used subliminal messages was due to a placebo effect only.

However, recent research shows that subliminal messages do work when they are offered under the correct circumstances.

You can read more about this at subliminal CDs.

Perhaps you would prefer to learn how to make your own subliminal products by visiting subliminal software.

The Power Behind The Very Best & Most Effective Subliminal Messaging Software Program

After a 1958 experiment conducted in a small cinema the world’s governments got frightened! James Vicary decided to test the power of subliminal messages by flashing the words “hungry”, “eat popcorn”, “thirsty” and “drink coke”.

Vicary made the startling claims that the sales of both popcorn and cola rose significantly as a result of his use of the above mention subliminal messages.

Even though Vicary later admitted that his findings were completely fabricated (and they have never been duplicated since) it lead the U.S., Australian and British Governments to ban the use of subliminal advertising on TV and radio!

However, with Vicar’s confession and the fact that many scientists don’t believe subliminal messages have any effect on the brain whatsoever why did such powerful governments decide to ban them!

Could the answer lie in the CIA’s experiments with subliminals – as discovered through the information of freedom act?

Many people believe the governments merely over-reacted or just “put on a show” to calm the panic felt by the masses at the time. So were they wrong to ban subliminal messages because they don’t work?

Recent evidence from scientific studies conducted at several colleges, the most notable being carried out at University College London, have shown that subliminal messages DO affect the brain and are registered!

Television programs, like the Derren Brown shows, regularly use subliminal messages to affect people’s behaviors.

In one show Derren produced a losing horse race ticket and convinced the teller, with spoken subliminal messages hidden in ordinary conversation, that it was a winning ticket and was paid-out!

Several huge companies have been shown to use subliminal messages in their magazine advertisements and it is a well known marketing tool within the marketing arena.

However despite all the media hype, subliminal messages aren’t just used by marketers trying to get us to buy another product that we don’t need.

They can also widely employed in the self improvement industry and can be used to make fast, easy and permanent changes with almost no effort.

So what exactly are subliminal messages?

The word “subliminal” just means “below the threshold of consciousness”. The word “messages” should be self explanatory.

So a “subliminal message” is merely a message that is offered below the threshold of consciousness!

This means that the subliminal message bypasses the conscious mind and enters directly into the subconscious mind were it acts as a command. The subconscious mind will then immediately go to work guiding your automatic thoughts and action so that you are in alignment with the message.

This means you can alter your own behaviour to reflect that of high achievers, sports athletes or anyone you like! And the truth is when you think and act the same way as they do you will automatically get the same results that they do!

It’s as easy as listening to some Subliminal CDs!

Imagine being able to think and act like Donald Trump, Bill Gates or Sir Richard Branson! Imagine you had the same self belief as Oprah Winfrey or top athletes.

Imagine you could replicate the success of ANYONE you choose!

Would you be interested?

Would you like to think and act like a multi-millionaire, an Olympic athlete or a high-achiever? Then find out how you can at Subliminal Power and subliminal software!

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